In works: Flare wip
in works: Flare wip wip original art FLARE Keep checking in to see the progress on this and moar exciting newz coming yur way
Flare Pin-up color sketches
flare pin-up portrait original art FLARE GLAM.SEXY.COOL Mark Beachum Heroic babes! Mark did 5 pin ups of Flare in his inimitable style as an incentive for HEROIC PUBLISHING’S kickstarter project. Thanks to all who helped Heroic publishing reach their kickstarter project goal! These remaining pieces are now available on ebay for anyone interested!
Flare Pin-up Portrait
flare pin-up portrait original art exotic FLARE portrait GLAM.SEXY.COOL Mark Beachum Heroic babes comics and art set! Mark has done 5 pin ups of Flare in his inimitable style as an incentive for HEROIC PUBLISHING’S kickstarter project. Pledge asap and help HEROIC PUBLISHING reach their goal so they can get Mark to do more cool stuff with Flare!...
Occult Goddess Sexy Demonia
Occult Goddess Sexy Demonia finishing soon: original art DEMONIA line art pinup media: pen and ink signed and sealed by the artist
supergurL: enter the darkness
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Exotic Vampirella Pin-up Portrait
vampirella pin-up portrait original art gothic exotic VAMPIRELLA portrait Vampirella pin-up portrait media: oil on comicbook backing board signed and sealed by the artist
new stuff
new artworks in progress original art finishing very soon
black cat pinup
black cat pinup on ebay original art finishing very soon 14" x 22" acrylic mixed media on gesso-primed heavy weight art board FELICIA HARDY | BLACK CAT | GLAMOUR BABE
IN PROGRESS… …new books in the works!! + moAr art in progress Black Cat Beauty soon finishing on ebay
BLACK CAT: sexy as she wanna be
BLACK CAT: sexy as she wanna be ...ready for bidnizz… …latex-clad, Black Cat launches into action… now on ebay
works in progress
works in progress VAMPIRELLA of DRACULON #5 recreation 20 X 28″ mixed media on gesso primed heavyweight paper WOLVERINE FEMME : sexymOde a supergurLz short action sequence mixed media on comicbook backing board supergirl…in trouble…again mixed media on bristol
power girl: built 4 speed
power girl: built 4 speed on ebay original art finishing this weekend 6.5" x 10.5" airbursh / mixed media on backing board wet latex bootylisciousness power girl
works in progress
works in progress
starfire enraptured pinup
starfire enraptured pinup on ebay original art finishing very soon 6.5" x 10.5" airbursh / mixed media on backing board sexy alien ..starfire..
marvelous power girl
marvelous power girl on ebay original art finishing very soon 6.5" x 10.5" airbursh / mixed media on backing board wet latex cameltoe power girl
upskirted supergirl and moar
upskirted supergirl and moar on ebay original art | prints | giclees finishing very soon 13" x 19" 275g/m glossy prints power.girl | supergirl | spidey + black.cat | elektra original.art.supergirl.upskirt 6.5" x 10.5" mixed media on backing board fine.art giclees 8.5″ x 11″ metallic.prints 8.5″ x 11″ custom.prints.vampirella.triptych...
In the company of sexy ladies
In the company of sexy ladies on ebay original art | fine art giclees finishing very soon wonder woman : selfie style 6.5″ x 10.5″ | acrylic mixed media black cat triptych : one of a kind 8.5″ x 11″ fine art giclee with a hand-sketch black cat : limited edition 8.5″ x 11″ giclee
Supergirl and the gang
Supergirl and the gang on ebay prints + original art finishing very soon supergirl: custom print size 7″ x 10.5″ namorita: vibrant 8.5″ x 11″ print tigra: custom print size 7″ x 10.5″ dejah thoris: semi-abstract profile of this exotic princess | 6.5″ x 10.5″ | acrylic mixed media