Vampirella Necromance-warren-ellis-mark-beachum
Vampirella Necromance Back in the day, somewhere in the mid 90’s I think, I did a bit of work for the then owners of the VAMPIRELLA property; HARRIS. A few pin-ups, some photo covers and this short story by Warren Ellis. I did a fairly uneven job as usual being that the material was interesting but luke warm/mediocre in it’s execution; as ever...
New Art available on EBAY: https://www.ebay.com/sch/femmenoirart/m.html?item=224173100264
ebay 2/11/20 Mark Beachum original art BLACK HISTORY MONTH AFRO SEXY VAMPIRELLA INK PIN-UP 6.75 Inches x 10.5 Inches Pen, brush, ink on comic book backing board Mark Beachum original art SEXY VAMPIRELLA INK PIN-UP 8.5 Inches x 11 Inches Pen, brush, ink on comic book backing board Mark Beachum original art SEXY ALTERNATE COVER VAMPIRELLA VOL.5 #8 INK STUDY 8.5 Inches x 11 Inches Pen,...
Vampirella color study Original art on Ebay
VAMPIRELLA ORIGINAL ART 8.5 X 11 Awesome color study of the delicious Draculaan Diva 8.5 x 11 inches mixed media on gesso prepared comicbook backing board now on ebay: https://www.ebay.com/itm/223891133818?_trksid=p2471758.m4704
Vampirella poster Ms Marvel Original art on Ebay
LARGE POSTER SIZED ORIGINAL ART 18 X 24 mixed media pencil / charcoal / acrylics / gold iridescent on 100% Cotton Handmade Paper now on ebay: https://www.ebay.com/itm/223804235017 MS MARVEL 6 3/4 X 10 1/2 Inches Pen, brush, ink on comic book backing board https://www.ebay.com/itm/223804267628
The folks over at Dynamite via a suggestion from Christopher Priest asked me to do a Vampirella cover with Vampirella as a black girl. There is a limited edition print version here: https://supergurlz.net/product/vampirella-ebony-diva-giclee/ For collectors the original art is also available here: https://supergurlz.net/product/vampirella-ebony-diva/ …and here is how it turned out:
Vampirella sketch
…quick sketch of vampirella: charcoal and acrylic on newsprint. moar 2 cum!
vampirella Apocalypse wow work in progress
…coming soon
vampirella Reflections in the Dark
New Vampirella piece available as a print here or the original via ebay auction here
27 new Mark Beachum Wonder Woman and Vampirella prints on Ebay
27 New fine art giclees. Cooler than most original art. Not mass produced low quality posters. This is the genius Mark Beachum doing what he does like no other: hand-embellished sexy super-heroines pushing the edge of the envelope between fine art/glam and xxx. In this edition: a focus on the badass Wonder Woman and the provocative Vampirella. Additionally, a few other delicious...
Vampirella: beckons to the darkness v2
Vampirella: beckons to the darkness v2 VAMPIRELLA Beautiful, one of a kind hand-colored 9.5 x 14 giclee on art paper. The unique hand embellished print is both a print and a one of a kind original. The original is currently available on ebay here: https://www.ebay.com/itm/223456781743?_trksid=p2471758.m4704 The print is available here:...
embellished VAMPIRELLA Print on ebay
embellished VAMPIRELLA PRINT on ebay VAMPIRELLA Print by Mark Beachum. 13 inches x 19 inches full-bleed giclée on premium grade 100% matte cotton rag Hand embellished with mixed media
works in progress
works in progress: wip original art Wonder Woman | Vampirella | Powergirl Vampirella mixed media on comicbook backing board Wonder Woman AMAZONIAN ASSETS 2 mixed media on comicbook backing board Powergirl print retouched 8.5″ x 11″ acrylic mixed media on comicbook backing board Keep checking in to see the progress on this and moar exciting newz coming yur way
wips: wonder woman and moar
works in progress: wip original art Vampirella | Wonder Woman Vampirella monoprint V2 Wonder Woman AMAZONIAN ASSETS 19 inches x 24 inches Wonder Woman portrait: sultry 6.5″ x 10.5″ acrylic mixed media on comicbook backing board Keep checking in to see the progress on this and moar exciting newz coming yur way
Vampirella: beckons to the darkness
Vampirella: beckons to the darkness monoprint: VAMPIRELLA Beautiful, one of a kind hand-colored 8.5 x 11 monoprint giclee on canvas linen art paper. The unique hand painted print is both a print and a one of a kind original. The uncolored print shown above is hand colored resulting in the final version This giclee is currently on ebay and the original ink art is for sale here! Keep...
Exotic Vampirella Pin-up Portrait
vampirella pin-up portrait original art gothic exotic VAMPIRELLA portrait Vampirella pin-up portrait media: oil on comicbook backing board signed and sealed by the artist